Eastwood photo competition 2014:
Briefly explain how your photo relates to what you like or dislike about Eastwood.

One rainy day in  Eastwood: flash floodOne rainy day in Eastwood:flash flood aftermath  

One hot day in Eastwood: Mynas puffing  One hot day in Eastwood: Pigeon drinking

Outdoor cinema 


Eastwood is a relatively peaceful little suburb. The ten minute flash flood in April 2012 is probably as dramatic as it gets. There is no head chopping like the Middle East or Ebola disease ravaging the people here. On one hand, when one does not perceive a threat to their personal rights or boundaries, one tends to be quite content. On the other hand, one may be oblivious to what is happening out in the society and around the world. While attempts have been made to engage the community, there is still quite a gap between reality and expectations. How do we bridge the gap?

There is quite a gap between reality and expectations when it comes to people’s involvement in current issues. Problems are present in the whole of humanity. Some people may think it’s not their problem, some people may think something needs to be done about it. I am not saying avoiding tackling the problem is the way to go about it, but it is also human nature to take the easy way out. Some may make pessimistic complaints society's problems and people's apathy. I am more interested in hearing about the hows and strategies of effective action in engaging the community on these issues rather than the whys, because really, many people know the whys, but don’t necessarily feel it’s something on their priority list because they do not perceive significant danger or threat. And the selfishness of human nature means that it is often after significant irreversible damages have already been done that people actually start doing something about it.


Words of encouragement from Steven Furtick's sermon (Head pastor of one of the fastest growing churches in the US) from Hillsong Conference 2012:

Frustration is the difference between your expectation and your experience. The enemy cannot take away your calling, but can take away your passion for your calling through frustration.

Encouragement: if you think of something good then say it. Encouragement is power.

God's only going to use you more.

1)You're doing better than you think you are.

2)You matter more than you think you do.

3)It's less about you than you think it is.

 4)There is more in store than you think there is.

In your tomorrow God is already there. Look at today in the eye.

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