目前分類:政治 (25)

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回憶2015年的住棚節以色列之旅 (我手機攝影的幾段影片):今年的耶路撒冷列國遊行剛好在今年的中華民國雙十節!! 兩年前的耶路撒冷遊行喜樂又和平(沒有暴動也沒有人打架)


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江子翠捷運殺人案後的抱抱暖男林冠華   圖片出自於 https://www.facebook.com/hiddy.chen


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goodyvo 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

這次台北市長選舉好精彩!! 選出首任無黨籍市長!

就看看 政治釋迦 (政治世家連勝文) 夜剋魔 (臺大醫院的「葉克膜」 創傷醫學部主任 柯文哲) 的天龍之戰! ! 很好玩的是在2010年,連勝文槍擊案發生當天時,是柯文哲負責指揮外科急救團隊,在臺大醫院醫療團隊配合下,積極搶救連勝文。


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As I read about The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan today 3 Sept, I realised that was the beautiful example of the topic of my assignment: a church which went from missionary initiation to full indigenisation. I happened to read through all the stuff on the oppression/national identity crisis and it just seem to coincide with the recent instabilities in Hong Kong and the negative comment made by an elderly Nationalist (KMT) politician with regards to Taiwan’s autonomy in response to the “93 soldiers’ celebration”!


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Conciliarism was more than a simply an argument concerning the authority of popes versus councils. This essay first reviews the historical events leading up to the Great Western Schism. Then it explores how threat in the unity of the church brought about the conciliar movement. Finally it analyses the various councils held in the era. From this, we make the conclusion that conciliarism was a complicated movement which came about firstly a response to the threatened division of the church due to the Great Western Schism, secondly as a result of ambitions and interests of various political powers, and thirdly, in response to the rampant abuse of papal power as a call for reformation. Therefore, the conciliar movement was not simply a power struggle between the authority of popes versus councils but an attempt to achieve unity and reformation of the Church.


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Sometimes it may appear fine from a mathematical point of view... But
也許,從數學的角度看來沒什麼問題...但 :P

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仇敵如同怒吼的獅子,但主早就已經掌權了,早在兩千年前就得勝了! 北韓領袖如同怒吼的獅子狂叫,南韓有超過百分之五十的基督徒人口。北韓有太多的靈魂需要拯救!神興起南韓,要幫助北韓那些可憐的人民。靠著神的大能必然得勝,神即將翻轉復興整個朝鮮半島! 我們即將看到的不是一場武力之戰,乃是看到屬靈之戰!

20 7 ,有人靠車,有人靠馬。但我們要提到耶和華我們神的名。

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  • Nov 18 Sun 2012 12:32
  • 政治


不只是電視上那種,就連地方政府也是一樣~ 總是找議題攪動居民,讓人民分裂成兩個極端,彼此[互相殘殺]!

goodyvo 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()


最近社會新聞不斷的出現亂象及價值觀的扭曲,例如色魔富少迷姦女星, [飛撲妹]利用自己的美色來換取免費的酒,以及喝得爛醉的女人被男人[撿屍],與世隔絕又怪咖的法拉利女,等。社會真的病了。

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It's been an honour to be invited by Councillor Justin Li to run as an election candidate on his team in the Ryde council elections in 2012. Thank God the votes next to my name was not a whopping 0, even though I never told any of my patients I'm running or make big face posters of myself or go shaking hands or talking with anyone, and not many people even know I was running until one week before the election! I have many people to thank, including Charles and Mike because as soon as they realised I was running, they immediately asked me how they can vote for me and immediately tried to get people they know to vote for me, even though I didn't ask them to. And also my cheerful buddies Feng and Wendy for coming along to assist Clr Li at the polling booth, despite the risk of getting sunburnt (subsequently Feng did get sunburnt) and making the morning very enjoyable!

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2012年市議員選舉我被很榮幸被李穎斌市議員邀請作懷德市議員候選人。雖然我沒有跟任何病人說我在選舉或者為自己做任何大頭海報或跑到街上跟人握手講話,甚至一直到選舉的一個禮拜前都沒幾個人知道我是候選人,但感謝主我名子旁邊的票數至少有兩位數,不是一個鴨蛋。特別謝謝 CharlesMike:當他們一發覺我是候選人時就主動的問我如何投票給我並為我拉票。 也感謝好朋友們FengWendy跟我一起來投票亭幫李穎斌市議員拉票,即使是冒著會被太陽曬成非洲人的險(後來Feng真得曬傷了),而且活潑的她們使得我們有個歡樂的早晨。

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Ryde Council Election candidates Group F: To run for election, one needs to form a group of four candidates. It’s an honour that Councillor Justin invited me to participate as the 4th candidate in his team. Please support this councillor running for re-election, as he is currently the only Asian councillor in the City of Ryde. Without him, there would not have been any Asian representation on the local council. He is also a highly intelligent full time lawyer, displaying great abilities in planning and problem solving.

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Below is Alan Patrick's mass email to stir up the community.
Most of his allegations are not even true.

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