
回憶2015年的住棚節以色列之旅 (我手機攝影的幾段影片):今年的耶路撒冷列國遊行剛好在今年的中華民國雙十節!! 兩年前的耶路撒冷遊行喜樂又和平(沒有暴動也沒有人打架)
Remembering the Israel trip from 2015 during the Feast of Tabernacles (a few video clips I filmed with my mobile phone). This year, the Jerusalem March (of the nations) coincided with the "double cross day" (tenth of October, for those who don't know, the Chinese character for ten is actually the shape of a crucifix, and the Chinese term for the crucifix is actually means "ten word frame"): the national celebration day of the Republic of China (the current governing power on Taiwan). Two years ago the Jerusalem March was very joyful and peaceful (no riots).

今天雙十雙北雙環彩虹環繞總統府! (圖/葉政勳攝 , 2017.10.10)

Today there is double rainbow in Taipei, surrounding the presidential hall!

double rainbow president hall.jpg

「如果我們要抓住聖靈的風...能捕捉這種風的帆,形狀會是什麼? 破舊的風帆,只會在這股風的力量下被撕毀。」
“If we are to capture the wind of the Spirit… what is the shape of the sails that can catch this fresh breeze?”

“Old, tattered sails need to be discarded because they will only tear under the force of the new wind.”
Ogden, Greg. Unfinished Business: Returning the Ministry to the People of God. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003.

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    王盈方醫師瘋狂之旅 Dr Yvonne Wang's Blabberings

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