In my personal experience, these two words are worlds apart. To forgive does not necessarily mean the issue is forgotten. To forget does not mean the issue is forgiven.

My heart may not be open enough for me to readily forgive emotional traumas people may have given me, but it seems like I forget easily…. I am referring to the emotional memory rather than the factual memory. Ie. Whether I want to or not, I no longer even care about the person who hurt me. “Fast recovery” seems to come at a price. Sometimes I just cannot believe how fast I forget… it is almost as if I am not human!

I have “forgotten” some people, even my previous soul mate… but never have I made an attempt to “remember” them again. Even if I try to “remember”, I doubt I would succeed.

據我個人經驗來講, 原諒與遺忘是兩回事的東西。
原諒不一定代表遺忘, 遺忘也不一定代表原諒。

而是遺忘了感情, 對創傷我的人已經不在乎了
恢復的快也是有代價的, 有時候真的覺得自己有點不像人

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