I was meant to have written about my ED term, my short trip to California etc... I'd better start writing them some time~
My parents went back to Taiwan yesturday for a nice 1 month trip! Wish I could enjoy such a luxury!
Rheumatology has gotten really busy over the past 2 weeks! And I gotta prepare for job application for next year's position!
AND MY DAD ATE UP ALL THE MEAT IN THE HOUSE BEFORE HE LEFT! GIMME MEAT! 饑荒的日子~家裏沒肉吃了! Went to shop for meat and found meat soooo expensive! Maybe I should become a vegan for a few weeks! Anyhow, I'm gonna be the master pasta cook for the upcoming weeks! hehe~ and I might do some other "experiments" too~ Anyone wanna be my guinea pig? haha