這次的經驗讓我的認知與心靈有了一個連結, 算是我屬靈生命的一個大突破o
能去這個家庭營也是神巧妙的安排, 因為通常週末都有班的, 剛好就在這個週末沒班o這幾個禮拜我會陸陸續續的貼出跟這個家庭營相關的資料與見證
北雪梨靈糧堂的長大成熟家庭營 歐牧師談以弗所書 筆記
見證不等於做好人, 因為其它宗教(就連無神論者)可以做的更好o
見證是 遇到挑戰, 跌倒, 又可以站起來 =有經歷到神
雞巢裡的雞蛋孵出了一群小雞o 其中有一隻小雞長得跟其他雞不一樣o 每當大風吹時, 其他雞都躲起來, 但這隻雞卻會站出來吹風o 這隻雞越長越大, 直到有一天牠突然不見了o 原來是飛走了! 其實牠不是Chicken而是一隻老鷹!
1) 高潮的氣氛並不代表被聖靈充滿
2) 不只要在教會裡做家事, 還要在職場上做個牧者
3) 要了解聖靈是如何觸摸到保羅的
不只是要聽到道, 還要被靈觸摸到o 唱歌也是要唱到自己內心的感覺o 表裡要一制o
Bread of Life Christian Church in Northern Sydney Family Camp: Grow and Mature, Pasteur Ou’s talk on Ephesians
*Witness is not equal to being the good man/woman, because other religions (even atheists) can do it better
*Witness= challenges: falling down & standing up, experiencing God
*Humans cannot do God’s work. One must have both God’s Words and God’s spirit (=Holy Spirit)
* Eagle & Wind vs Chicken vs Wind side story: A bunch of eggs in the chicken nest hatched. One “chicken” looked different from the others. Whenever the wind blows, this “chicken” walks up against the wind, while other chicken hides. The “chicken” grew stronger and stronger. One day, this “chicken” disappeared. It had flown away – he’s no chicken, he’s an eagle!
1) High atmosphere is not equal to spiritual: it just stirs you up but it doesn’t mean you’re filled with the Holy Spirit.
2) Be the minister in your workplace, not just doing “housework” at the church.
3) If you can understand how the Holy Spirit touched Paul
You feel what is said, not just listen. You sing what you feel. The outer appearance and inner self should be the same.