For everyone in Sydney: There's a rally for UN for Taiwan at Town Hall steps this Sat 15/9/07 from 11:30-2:30, free lunch provided~ so if you wanna support Taiwan, please go!!! And tell your friends about it too!

For more details about Taiwan's situation, please see Lily's email:

Dear Australia Taiwanese medical colleagues,

As you already know, Taiwan needs to be a memeber of the UN. Being a member of UN automatically means a member of organisations such as the WHO. Being a member of UN also offers protection to the people and land of Taiwan. With almost 1000 missles (and increasing) aimed at Taiwan, this is crucial.

The UN secretary general Ban Ki Moon has denied the basic rights of the 23 million Taiwanese to be part of the UN. He has breached the human rights of the Taiwanese people to actively seek membership in the UN. If you're interested in knowing more:
http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ UN_General_ Assembly_ Resolution_ 2758
http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Taiwan_and_ UN

Who is in a better position than us Australian Taiwanese doctors/med students to tell Australia and the rest of the world?

Event: UNLimit Taiwan, Australia!
Part of the WORDWIDE simultaneous 'UN for Taiwan' peaceful demonstration - We're making history. http://www.libertyt tw/2007/new/ sep/12/today- o6.htm

Purpose: To let the world know Taiwan's desire to join the United Nations
Who: You! ANYONE who loves Taiwan and want to support
Date: Sat 15th Sept 2007
Time: 11.30-2.30 (you can come for part of it)
Place: Sydney Town Hall
Lunch provided

So, please tell your friends & family to come along too!

Please contact me UNLimitTaiwan@ if you need further information.

Thank you! Hope to see you there!




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