第一次踏上日本土地!準備去日本,一早就聽到詩歌!計程車司機放的!在飛機上看阿信,一把鼻涕一把淚! 這部電影再次提醒我,祖先們在古時候艱難的日子裡光是求生存就付上了何等大的代價。
First time to step onto Nippon! The taxi driver played gospel music (which is quite unusual, as this was the first time I ever encountered this in Taiwan). On the plane I watched Oshin with tears and snots running down my face. It just reminded me of how heavy a price some of those people in the previous generations have paid just to stay alive in those tough times.

關西: 日本的文化遺產中心,也是漫畫動畫的起源地! 這裡有許多神社佛閣,我在每一個點行軍禱告。在銀閣寺做此事時突然一層金粉出現在我的手機螢幕上!
Kansai: Japan's centre of cultural heritage , and the starting point of manga and anime! It has many prominent temples and shrines. I did intercession prayers for each temple/shrine I visit, and at the Ginkaku-ji, a few flakes of gold powder suddenly appeared on my mobile phone screen after the intercession prayer! 

Our tour guide, Wen, told us that those who drive luxury cars in Kyoto are bald while those who drive luxury cars in Osaka are businessmen. Being a monk is a highly paid occupation, because many people need monks to cite chanting. They even held a handsome monk catwalk here! And in Kiyomizu-dera you can see a row of luxury cars next to the temple! It’s also interesting to note that many of these temples and shrines are associated with animals, such as the deer in todaiji and the angry fox in Fushimi Inari Taisha.

Lately I have been eating so much that I am losing my neck! 
Japanese food has been designated by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage!
This cuisine respects the original taste of the food and tries to retain the nutritional value. It uses produces of the season and does not over season the food.
I found the strawberries, Kobe beef, milk and tofu to be really yummy!! There is also this tofu icecream which is really worth a try!

This week coincided with Japan’s Coming of Age Day, so in addition to the people in our tour group, there were also many young Japanese wearing kimonos walking around the Kiyomizu-dera! Wearing the kimono is hard work. We were wrapped in three layers and each layer was fasted so tightly that our ribs hurt!

This tour gave me a bit of experience in the Japanese lifestyle: wearing yukata, kimono, soaking in spas etc. The average life span for the Japanese is 80s, so they take care of themselves quite well. The Japanese made great products for the locals, but apparently the exported products are not as good as the local products. 

Day 3 coincided with the Great Hanshin earthquake remembrance day. The Japanese still hold a large annual ceremony and the Japanese Emperor and his wife attended this year’s event in Kobe.

第四天是大阪購物日! 我在大阪城天守閣竟然迷路了!超可怕的!這公園超大的,而且我之所以會迷路的原因是因為我沒發現有兩圈護城河,結果一直沿著內城河走,走不出去外面!
Day 4 is a great shopping day in Osaka. However, it was also very scary when I got lost after walking out of the Osaka Castle Museum! The Osaka Castle Park is humongous and I didn’t realise it had two circles of moats!! So I kept walking around in the inner moat and could not find the way out! 

除了這場驚魂記,在滑雪場搞丟阿嬤也蠻驚魂的!感謝導遊小文這幾天有耐心的關照! 這趟旅程的團員們也很和善。
Other than that, another scary episode was when I lost my grandma in the skiing field! Thanks to our tour guide Wen for her great patience! And we our blessed to have a tour group of friendly people.

作詞・作曲: 長沢崇史
耶穌 我要愛慕你 
イエス あいします 

我要愛慕你 傾倒我的生命
あいします こころそそぎ

你是我唯一所求 讓我心單單渴慕你 
ただあなただけ したいもとめます
我心滿溢 我心滿溢 
あふれる あふれる

讓我走向 你的身旁 貼近你 
みそばに ひきよせて

主啊 我渴慕尋求你
主よ したいもとめます



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    日本 關西 可樂旅遊

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