






八年前我自己的近視雷射手術就是回台灣做的!當時澳洲才剛引進 IntraLase LASIK, 結果我問澳洲的眼科醫院術後效果如何時他們跟我說他們無法評論,因為機器是新的,還不夠案例。結果台灣都已經有好幾個案例了!


最近這幾年台大醫院那邊有一批醫生來考澳洲的醫師執照 (AMC exam)。由於語言的障礙,即便擠破頭,成功率還是非常低,只有三位通過! 有一位強到我無話可說,另外兩位則是長期住過英語系國家的! 其實,澳洲本來就給予外國醫生比較次等的待遇,用政策逼他們到偏遠地區行醫。最近澳洲還出現市區醫生過盛的情況,準備把醫生這項職業從技術移民拿掉! 過去比較冷門的家醫科近八年突然變熱門,入取率及專科考試通過率都不斷的下降! 很多很多的變數! 想考澳洲醫師執照的台灣醫生們還是請三思,除非神有特殊的呼召,因為我們能站在我們現在的崗位並不是偶然的,而且澳洲的草不一定比較綠(若動機只是為了要更「好」的生活,可能要先認真思考一下「好」對自己來說是什麼樣的一個定義... 若想探險,直接參加短期medical mission可能還比較有意思)! 每個地方都有正反面,例如:澳洲時數可能比較規律,但工作環境不一定很有人情味(除非剛好在華人診所工作,但華人也有很多種,而且偏遠地區也沒有華人診所),等等。統計還顯現,長期居住在澳洲鄉下會比較容易憂慮症!




There is certainly an oversupply of GPs in the city region... it's becoming like the 1990s when there was an oversupply of GPs, and there was no doctors on the skilled migration occupation list when I studied medicine in the early 2000s. Plus, there are all these new medical schools now!!


So there's now a call to stop giving visas to the IMGs, and removing medical practitioners from the skilled migration occupation list!


In Feb this year, Australian Doctor already reported:

Medicare is apparently struggling to clear a backlog of 15,000 provider number applications from doctors across Australia.This has left some 250 GP registrars without Medicare provider numbers.



The number of registrars joining the Australian General Practice Training program had reached 1500 last year.... From what I've heard from others, there are >2000 people applying for 1500 places these days!



The "too many GPs" trend had already been identified a few years ago.



And suddenly, there's even increased flunk rate for the GP fellowship exams: Half of fellowship candidates fail latest KFP test!



Australian Doctor has learnt the fellowship pass rates are low because of the performance of IMGs on the practice eligible pathway that sits outside the Australian General Practice Training program.



So I guess the grass might not be much greener in Australia for the IMGs? Many sacrifices to be made, along with many uncertainties too!


To address the rural shortage problem, Dr McPhee said universities could do a better job of accepting students more inclined to live in the regions.
"It's a real challenge, the whole issue of selection is a vexed one. Certainly where universities do interviews, they very much weight them towards rural intent and rural background and that certainly has demonstrated that if you do that you can improve the retention and resilience of people shifting back into rural communities."




For more discussion points on my Facebook thread:





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