chosen people ministry Israel 70th birthday.jpg

請為台灣代禱: 猶太曆5778年,住棚節耶路撒冷列國遊行剛好跟中華民國雙十節同一天! 今年台灣的228剛好會跟普珥節同日。普珥節記念和慶祝猶太人在波斯帝國統治的時代中,神藉以斯帖拯救他們逃過滅族的危難。記念哈曼計劃滅絕猶太人的陰謀失敗。接下來真的要更多的為國家迫切禱告! 有不少外來講員與當地教會的人都同時領受到今年是這地復興的關鍵時刻。


Please pray for Taiwan: During the 5778 year of the Jewish Calendar, the Jerusalem March (of the nations) coincided with the "double cross day" (tenth of October, for those who don't know, the Chinese character for ten is actually the shape of a crucifix, and the Chinese term for the crucifix is actually means "ten word frame"): the national celebration day of the Republic of China (the current governing power on Taiwan). The Purim will coincide with Taiwan's 228 this year (the February 28 Massacre was an anti-government uprising in Taiwan that was violently suppressed by the Kuomintang-led Republic of China government, which killed thousands of civilians beginning on 28 February 1947). Purim is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people in the ancient Persian Empire from destruction in the wake of a plot by Haman, a story recorded in the Biblical Book of Esther. Really have to pray for the nation more! Many foreign speakers as well as people in the church of this land have the feeling that this year is very critical for the revival of the land.


2月6日台灣花蓮發生了強震。2 年前的同一天,台南維冠大樓也因強震倒塌,死亡人數高達 185 人。這2次的地震除了日期相同外,2年前在台南永康警分局擔任局長的李西河,2星期前才剛升任花蓮市警察局局長,讓台南基層警方超訝異,不過也確定依李西河的經驗,一定可以妥善指揮。

On 6Feb, there was a strong earthquake in Hualien, Taiwan. On the same day two years ago, there was an earthquake in Tainan, Taiwan, with 185 fatalities. Coincidentally, the current police chief in Hualien is the same person as the police chief in Tainan two years ago, because this person just got promoted two weeks ago and got shifted to Hualien! So we've got someone experienced in this type of disaster directing the scene.



Wan, a researcher from the Institute of Earth Sciences Academia Sinica Taiwan, says that between 2016-2020, there is a high chance of earthquakes of mass destruction happening in Taiwan.



According to the Central Weather Bureau, there are still chances of stronger quakes happening over the next few days.


今天也報名參加選民事工差會以色列復國七十週年聖地團! 復國七十週年的紀念日也剛好就在5778年,今年覺得必須去以色列一趟啊!

I've also registered to join Chosen People Ministries' "Israel's 70th Birthday Tour+Conference". The 70th anniversary coincided with the year 5778, so I feel I can't miss this year's trip!


    猶太曆 5778 巧合

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