Often, we see so many personality tests on the web, it makes our eyes go blurry. Sometimes I also do a few of them out of curiosity. I'm so mutated: each time I do a personality test, the result keeps changing! For example, in the DISC I changed from DS to DI to ID. In the MBTI, I went from ISTJ to ESTP!
So, these results are really for references only! For example, I probably had the DS result when I used to live with my mother because both of us are very D, and I still had to obey her, so S becomes my second item. Subsequently I lived with uni students who were younger than me, and my results became DI, then I lived with young working adults around the same age as my and I became ID!
Personalities are a lot more complicated than what the psychological test results reveal and can change in different environments as well as different life experiences. There is a trap: sometimes when people come up with a certain result, they start focusing on the things they do which are consistent with that result, and this further reinforces that characteristic so they start believing in it and become set by the result. Research studies does show that most people’s personalities remain quite set, eg. they did a test where they assessed a person’s personality and retested in many year’s time and found that most people remain the same.
Psychological type is similar to left or right handedness: individuals are either born with, or develop, certain preferred ways of thinking and acting. So people tend to find using their opposite psychological preferences more difficult, even if they can become more proficient (and therefore behaviorally flexible) with practice and development. It is also important to take note that most of these tests simply indicate one’s preference over another rather than your proficiency in that item. Another word, not preferring an item doesn’t mean you’re less proficient on that item than someone who prefers that item, eg. In the DISC, a person who is more frequently in the influential mode than the conscientious mode may still have better organisation skills than another person who scores higher on the conscientious item.
Sometimes we need courage from God to be willing to step out of our comfort zone in order to grow and be used by God. Don’t let a psychological test result restrict you!