Those that fail are those who are always finding excuses, whereas those who succeed are those who are always finding solutions!


Today, Pastor Steven Li did a short sharing with us during the 1503 Bread of Life Christian Church’s co-workers’ meeting:


Everyone is born with a different set of cards: Some received a very good set, being born in a rich family, talented, good looking and intelligent. Some received a very bad set, in poverty and handicapped.

However, the importance is not whether you get a good or bad set of cards, but how you play the cards on your hand!

How do we run our lives? How do we make use of our available resources?

And even if you were lucky and had an extremely good set of cards when you were born, it is nothing to get too arrogant about because it is not even to your own merit, since no one can choose what set of cards they are born with.

From the eternal perspective, life is like a play, with each of us playing different roles. We don’t have to rob others of their roles, or get into the role too deeply, as this will all pass eventually. We are responsible for playing our role to the best of our abilities, to equip us for what is eternal.

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