目前分類:醫生日記 (52)

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我一直都覺得我的小姑姑王秋蓉很厲害,出生七個月就罹患「小兒麻痺症」,兩隻腳都麻痺了,左手也舉不起來,學歷只有國中畢業,但同時也是個贏得很多文學獎的作家,還有辦法結婚,生子,還有孫子! 不僅如此她還是EQ高手,心理輔導師!!


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本文為擷取柯文哲2013年TED演 講—《生死的智慧》:


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  • Dec 15 Thu 2011 21:07
  • 動機



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一轉眼在鄉下一年半的時間已經過去了! 必須要與 美麗不辣” (Merimbula) “潘不辣” (Pambula) 伊甸園” (Eden) 說再見了!


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政院修醫師法 國外醫學學歷須甄試實習

更新日期:2009/06/04 15:39

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我這個人,其實對於自己的人生目標並不太清楚。 最近才真正的開始找到了方向。

初中時,只想將來的人生目標就是要成績好,做個好人,讀個好大學,找個好工作。 當時我腦袋很單純,世界觀只有黑與白,對與 [好] 的定義也是含糊不清,想說所謂的 [好] 就是不要做壞事,過個穩定有規律的生活。 當時覺得 [壞] 的定義大概就是不好好讀書或工作,成天在外面鬼混的人,會害人的人,以及男女關係雜亂的人。 當時沒想過這些社會問題是如何產生的,只覺得有些人天生就比較 [壞], 而且要避開 [壞] 人,要不然會脫累自己,甚至自己也會變壞。 當時根本就不知道這種想法就是驕傲,是壞的。 我這種驕傲,論斷他人的想法,雖然當時沒有講出來,態度上可能有表現出來,所以大概還是有傷害到周圍幾個同學。由於自己做事情的成功率很高,那時沒有思考到世上其實沒有完美的人,也沒注意到自己有多少缺陷,根本沒資格去論斷他人。

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我目前為止還沒有被病人惹得像今天這麼氣的。 雖然我應該有更多愛心,但我其實很少被病人惹毛的! 一般病人在鬧的時候是不針對某某人的 ,是因為不是痛苦或耍性子在鬧,要不然就是意志不清,根本不知道自己在講什麼: 這些病人通常不會惹毛我。 然而今天的老頭是完完全全的只對我一個耍驕傲,耍種族歧視。他雖然九十歲,但意志清楚的很,是個偽裝大師,變臉簡直比光速還要快! 剛開始問病歷時,好像還算蠻友善的樣子,但一直很重聽的樣子,一直要我講話講更大聲,變成要用喊的! 又好像一副聽不懂我講的話的樣子,要我同樣的話用很多的不同方式問才聽得懂。 又說我英文有一個很好聽的異國腔調,是不是越南人。 問到抽菸喝酒的習慣時,他說他酒菸不沾,是個紳士 (Gentleman)。 我講的英文從來沒有被病人嫌過聽不懂的! 體檢時要聽他的心臟,他又一直講話,還必須要告訴他我在聽他的心臟所以不能講話,然後叫他吸氣吐氣時又一直吐氣在我臉上。 直到要抽他的血時,我還不以為然,覺得他只是一個重聽的老人,也不生氣。

但到抽血時才發現他之前做的那些是有可能是故意的! 抽血時,他的血管有一點難度,血流得很慢。突然他就開始大叫了(變臉簡直比光速還要快)! !  罵說我從來沒抽過血,不是醫生,是個香港以外的鄉村 (outskirts of Hong Kong) 的雜種! 同樣的話不知道罵幾次! 護士過來時用普通的音量問他怎麼了,他不但聽得見,還據續在那邊說我的壞話! 根本就是假裝重聽的嘛!

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When I was selecting my surgical terms last year for the year of 2008, I have already heard that breast surgery is one of the least stressful surgical term to do, and that was one of the main reasons why it was very high on my preference list.


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After my nice break in Taiwan in Feb, I came back to RPA to do my nights/relief/anesthetics term!


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I took my Step 1 exam on April 14, 2008 in good old Sydney~


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I give all the credit to God in having passed everything related to medicine on first attempts – there is a lot of luck involved.


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Week 2: a quiet & relaxing week



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Watch the “Royal Prince” Dubbo in 2008! 
There were camera men walking around filming when one of our patients had an arrest! 


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Dubbo General Med



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Beginning the interview

  • Greeting, role.

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Amazing grace… amazing grace….!! After several “money falling from the sky” type of weekend shifts, I encountered this overtime which was just about as bad as that Geris overtime from hell!



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中午閒著沒事睡午覺竟然睡到做惡夢!可見睡太多也不太好! in the nightmare i was asked to see a new admission and examine pt's joints... but I couldn't open my eyes to see the patient coz i was too sleepy... isn't that horrible?! Then after a hard struggle I really finally woke up... went to the ward, nothing to do, except wait for a new admission... at 4, the med student came and I told her to do the admission if the patient comes while I sneak off early... haha

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I think I was originally on the right track in my thinking (that is, my thinking before noticing the marriage vs age issue). After some thinking and discussions w/ others, I’ve came back to my original thinking about the issue:

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Girls in med issues: when it comes to love & marriage

In many Western countries, there seems to be more girls doing medicine than guys. Due to cultural differences, I do not know how the westerners view this issue, so I’ll concentrate on conclusions I’ve made from my own and my friends’ perspectives.

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