我媽媽是個運動狂,每天不停的動,去健身房,打乒乓球,打網球,打高爾夫球,爬山,跳舞,等等! 我都擔心她會不會把自己的關節磨壞! 她跟我分享往事,提到她是高中班上最矮的女生,但也是跑得最快的,不知道是北一女的都不太會運動,還是我媽真的太強了呢? 不過她現在身體真的很健康,看起來也很年輕。
目前分類:自傳 (50)
- May 05 Sat 2012 16:40
- Jan 20 Fri 2012 21:26
WWJD (What would Jesus do?) 王盈方見證
我是一個在私人診所工作的醫生。其實我在十歲時就已經做了接受耶穌為救主的禱告了,但在進入職場之前都沒有活出神的樣式。回想我在學生時代,念醫學系是一個很艱辛的過程,整天都在考試,所以整天都要讀書。有些時候讀書讀到逆時會暴走起來,突然猛看漫畫,而且一看就是通霄,而且這樣毫無節制地的行為特別容易發生在大考前一夜! 也記得從小時候到剛讀醫學系時都還非常愛跟別人比較,會一直問別人考試考幾分,但很快就發現能考進醫學系的人都太厲害了,這樣比較根本就毫無意義。
- Jan 07 Fri 2011 21:19
Room Paint Colours: produces different moods!
I must admit... different colours have such a dramatic effect! I've just got all the light blue bedrooms in my house painted white, and the effects are: room looks much brighter day and night, so even though the ceiling light is remains the same, it feels like that light is much brighter, and much less depressing! (light blue really is quite a depressing colour!)Furthermore, the celing feels higher and the room feels bigger!
- Aug 03 Tue 2010 16:04
藝術照之體驗 Taiwan Touch Your Heart!
好不容易有一個長假可以回台灣! 也不知道自己幾歲才會結婚! 所以想要趁自己還沒變老前拍拍美美的照為自己留戀!說不定要是真的很老才結婚,可以用這些照片當婚紗照!呵呵。 在加上老人家們身體不好,又一直在那邊唸來唸去,問說哪時候要結婚。乾脆在他們看看我的新娘妝的樣子,免得以後他們真的看不到了!
- Aug 03 Tue 2010 16:04
Artistic Photo in Taiwan: Taiwan Touch Your Heart!
The long awaited vacation has come! I can finally spend a decent amount of time holidays in Taiwan ! Since I don’t know when I will get married, this is a special opportunity for me to take some beautiful artistic photos before I grow old! Furthermore, the old folks in my family are becoming unhealthy and keeps nagging and asking when I will get married, so I’d better let them see how I’ll look like as a bride before their health deteriorates further!
- Feb 22 Sun 2009 18:27
The Great Southern Adventure 2: The Drifting Cars
Feb 20, 2009 was the day where CCCT almost lost two GP Registrars from the South Coast! On this fateful rainy day, both “L” and I decided we wanted to drive back to Sydney, and both of us decided we needed to use the car in Sydney so we each drove our cars separately.
- Feb 22 Sun 2009 18:20
The Great Southern Adventure 1: The Convicted Criminal
After a 6 hour long drive in a cloudy weather, leaving behind my comfortable new home in North Ryde, I was in the great unknowns of the far southern coast of NSW where kangaroos knocks on people’s doors (according to “L”, a super funny/humorous Hongkie GP registrar whom I’ve met during orientation last year)! I had arrived in Merimbula and was about to move straight into a rental unit I saw on the Internet! (I was doing ICU nights at RPA and couldn’t be there physically to find a place to rent, and no one was able to help me inspect the rental properties!)
- Jan 11 Sun 2009 18:23
時機與奇蹟: 王盈方 2008年底見證
- Aug 04 Mon 2008 19:50
無刀前導波雷射視力矯正手術經驗/ My Intralase LASIK (iLASIK) Experience