Excellence got you into the throne of kings, greed will get you out (Bill Johnson)
Solomon: there are some fascinating secrets in his life.
Exodus 31:3 first mention in the bible of someone filled by the Holy Spirit. God doesn't destroy a previous revelation to make a new revelation. Eg. Servants to sons and daughters doesn't remove the privilege of serving God.
When the bible reveals something new, it is in the context of the original revelation.
Salt: preserves meat in Old Testament times. Church is a preservative to this world. We are the salt of the earth. But not only that, in the New Testament it is revealed that if salt loses its taste, it is thrown away, worthless (foolish in the original Hebrew). So it is not just a preservative, but adds flavor to culture and society! Sinners always want to be with Jesus, but not necessarily want to be with us, as the church often complains about this being wrong and that being wrong. God has a passion for excellence, turning ashes to glory.
Light: reveals what's wrong and what's right. But Jesus said something different. Light set on the city hill to lead those who are lost to find the way. We go to a fruit tree to get fruit, we go to the spring to get water, we go to the city for safety. Light attracts people who are needing safety. God has answers that He wants the world to benefit from. Often times the church doesn't want answers, but instead wants the world to become so bad that Jesus has to come down to rescue us. The reason we are on earth is to convert souls and be answers to the world's problems. There are many key people in politics, economy etc, but they just sit quiet in conferences, wait for the Holy Spirit to fill them, make a few statements and completely impact the directions of those corporations. Societies are impacted by these people.
Solomon is one of Bill Johnson's favorite characters and while he can't overlook what he did wrong, he can't reject what he did right just because of that. David suggests Solomon to get wisdom. And when God came to Solomon when he was sleeping, that's what Solomon asked God to give him. "I need a hearing ear." "Because you didn't ask for long life, fame, I will give you all of these on top of wisdom." Solomon lived with such a strong sense of purpose that God could trust the decision he makes in his sleep.
When fathers have dreams, the children have purpose.
Solomon was writing a letter to another nation, that their nation doesn't have adversaries (Satan). The wisdom was so great that Satan can't find a gap to sneak in!
Areas of wisdom
1) Integrity
2) Creativity: wisdom said I was with God on the day of creation. (Proverbs 8)
3) Excellence: Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings they will not serve before officials of low rank (Proverbs 22:29). Anyone who excels in your works will stand before the king. Through excellence you can have access to a group of people you normally wouldn't have access to. When you sit to dine with a ruler, note well what is before you, and put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony (Proverbs 23:1-2). If you have a weakness/greed, put a knife to your own neck, self-imposed restrictions. Excellence got you into the throne of kings, greed will get you out! As a church we work hard to honor our cities and leaders.
Many political leaders are aching for answers, because they are searching for solutions of things they have no answers to, and this is the opportunity for divine wisdom. God wants to impact our areas of influence so that other people become successful. Queen of Sheba said amazing things such as "being a servant at your feet is better than being a king of another nation". When God gives you favor in your life, it is for you to use it on people around you! When you use it this way the gift fulfils its destiny.
卓越 (Bill Johnson)
出埃及記31章3節「我也以我的靈充滿了他,使他有智慧,有聰明,有知識,能做各樣的工。」比爾‧強生(Bill Johnson)牧師在特會第二天下午銜接早上有關聖靈澆灌的信息,用聖經中第一次提到人被神的靈充滿的經文來解釋神起初所給的啟示。「當神向我們顯明一個新的啟示時,祂並沒有廢除先前的啟示,而是讓我們再次看見神的心意。」他透過鑽戒和戒座的比喻來解釋「聖靈充滿」的真理:使徒行傳中寫到「聖靈降臨在你們身上,你們就必得著能力」,就如同「鑽戒」代表神新的啟示;而鑽戒是被放在「戒座」上,代表的是神起初的啟示─神的智慧。