身分與權柄 (Bill Johnson)
伯特利教會的比爾‧強生(Bill Johnson)牧師表示,耶穌來到世上最重要的目的,就是彰顯天父的心。面對我們的罪性、罪行,天父所做的不是定罪而是用更深的愛來恢復我們。「全地中再沒有比對父親的愛更大的呼喊,當人活在傷痛或不安全感中時,其實是用孤兒的身分活著。」比爾‧強生牧師說到。而我們需要再次改變思考模式來看待自己、認識自我的身分。
“I can afford it” (Bill Johnson)
Jesus came to reveal the Father. He came to a planet of orphans who lost their identity and purpose. These things are usually done with a healthy earthly father. The world we're living in is full of crisis, economic crisis (poverty&greed). Jesus didn't come with a complicated answer.
When we think of the Kingdom differently from family, we err.
Everything Jesus said and done reveal the Father.
Someone who's secure in their identity doesn’t have to abuse someone to prove their authority. Bill then told us a true story about a mayor of a city who was going out the door when then drunkard of the city just pushed him away and went out in front of him. The people around the mayor asked “are you just going to let him get away with that?” and the mayor responded “I can afford it”.
One if the greatest joy in life is to be part of someone's growth.
Orphan heart: Fight for survival now, no concept of the future. Orphan heart lives in pain and wants something to cover it.
Infants think the world revolves around them. But if an individual acts that way at age 40, then there is something very wrong in their hearts.
Some people thrive on compliments; some thrive on people spending time on them. Never abuse someone who's full of shame. Reveal the Father to them instead.
John 20:21
Disciples were hiding due to the fear of the Jews. As they're hiding, Jesus walked through the wall to then and said peace to them.
John 17
Jesus came to reveal the Father. We are here to reveal the Father too. When someone pushes through the door in front of you, say "I can afford it."