Wise people are builders (Bill Johnson)


The gospel is practical. When people can be born again, they start implementing practical ways of living God's principles, how to do life, representing God well. Godly leaders are different from ungodly leaders as the focus is different. Impact of Godly leadership: people around me live better when I am in this leadership position. Other people become great. Jesus' impact on the disciples: unusual gathering of insignificant people, no famous people in the group, lived in insignificant places, but once they spent time with Jesus, they begin to see themselves differently, and Jesus celebrated their victories but reminded them what is the most important. They started arguing who's the greatest because of all the miracles performed through their hands. Jesus didn't correct their desire for greatness but just redefined and changed their concept of significance. Greatness is not arguing who rules over who. We are all born to be great. Jesus showed the disciples a child. False humility sees one's own insignificance, self-criticism, devalue ourselves. Genuine humility sees the greatness of God, and be willing to take risks for God. We all have the power to change the course of history of society and impact on culture.


Samuel answered Saul's question about the donkeys before Saul asked. This is an insignificant question, but practical to Saul, and is his immediate need. Then next Samuel tells Saul his destiny. The gospel is practical. Importance is who called us. We have to live with the conviction that God has the answers to all the problems/challenges. God loves all cities and each individual city has an unique call from God. Each has a different calling. We need to love our cities and the futures of our cities. Eg. Bill Johnson is fascinated by Geneva. A city of <200,000 population. The world bank, UN, Red Cross is there. YMCA, Rolex, Cartier all started there. All the major corporations of excellence, organizations that help humanity. The culture of the city that makes these things grows easily. Several hundred years ago there are many Christian leaders that intentionally affected that city. There was one time when the city was the dump of Europe (prostitutes, drunkards), but a group of Christian leaders made a covenant and taught the practical ways of living in God's principle and the city changed. We all have the ability to impact on the culture of a city and the blessings continue for generations. The city is a greenhouse. When we serve the community, what we plant will grow.


By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established (Proverbs 24:3)

Wise people are builders; they build businesses, families etc.

Wisdom can make anyone into a mighty warrior.

Our position in leadership is not to rule over others, but to serve and build. Our strongest gift is servant hood, to serve the city into its destiny.

Rebuilding ruins: It's not to make our city to have Rolex etc in our cities. The most broken amongst us are the most valuable amongst us. It is God's plan to help the broken to lead the city into its destiny.


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