不同宗教,不同觀點,議論紛紛,網路也不例外。 最近在網上,看到一個部落格的回應板也是議論紛紛。 有時候網友很情緒化,甚至還有人身攻擊的現象。 雖然看到會覺得蠻傷感情的,有時還會有那種想反駁的衝動,但也因此學習不少,畢竟每天的自我檢討其實就是認罪的一部份。 我在留言板上,也學習到要是評自己累積的經驗來發言,一定要著名這是我個人的觀點,不一定是符合神的 畢竟神的所作所為,人的智慧是不可能有辦法理解的 我也發覺到,發言時最好不要講到自己不是非常了解的領域。

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巫術 (我的見解: 這是一種比喻 請不要誤解)


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當亞當夏娃吃下善惡果時,他們那完美的基因突變了: 罪已被寫入人類的遺傳密碼裡了。


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等我老一些時間多的時候 我應該會寫一些自傳吧

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May 19, 2008
Saving Troubled Friendships

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When I was selecting my surgical terms last year for the year of 2008, I have already heard that breast surgery is one of the least stressful surgical term to do, and that was one of the main reasons why it was very high on my preference list.


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After my nice break in Taiwan in Feb, I came back to RPA to do my nights/relief/anesthetics term!


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May 15, 2008
The Nature of Strength

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I took my Step 1 exam on April 14, 2008 in good old Sydney~


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I give all the credit to God in having passed everything related to medicine on first attempts – there is a lot of luck involved.


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王盈方 Yvonne 見證

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這次的經驗讓我的認知與心靈有了一個連結, 算是我屬靈生命的一個大突破o

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最近聽到有人談起真耶穌教會 講到這是一間異端教會


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台灣國際教會 International Church of Christ


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FIR 愛歌姬 02.第十行星

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  • Mar 23 Sun 2008 11:39
  • 朋友

真正能稱為朋友的人實在是少而之少 少到幾乎快要沒有

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  • Feb 24 Sun 2008 10:18



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, 總是要親身體驗到某些事情, 才能真正體驗到神的話語的重要性o

有很多道理, 光讀聖經, 是不會體驗到它們的由來o

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Week 2: a quiet & relaxing week



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Watch the “Royal Prince” Dubbo in 2008! 
There were camera men walking around filming when one of our patients had an arrest! 


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Dubbo General Med



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The world collapses

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Guys that stick like a fly: This is the worst type…. They already start following you around when you’re not even familiar w/ them… and they just keep following you around… you’ve only just known them for a few minutes, hours or days, and they stand really close to you and keep trying to ask you out. You try to “shake them off” politely at first, but they just don’t get the message, so you have to resort to the “rude method”.

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For everyone in Sydney: There's a rally for UN for Taiwan at Town Hall steps this Sat 15/9/07 from 11:30-2:30, free lunch provided~ so if you wanna support Taiwan, please go!!! And tell your friends about it too!

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Beginning the interview

  • Greeting, role.

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Amazing grace… amazing grace….!! After several “money falling from the sky” type of weekend shifts, I encountered this overtime which was just about as bad as that Geris overtime from hell!



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I was meant to have written about my ED term, my short trip to California etc... I'd better start writing them some time~

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[x] Are you Asian in the first place?
[x] Were you born in an Asian country?

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中午閒著沒事睡午覺竟然睡到做惡夢!可見睡太多也不太好! in the nightmare i was asked to see a new admission and examine pt's joints... but I couldn't open my eyes to see the patient coz i was too sleepy... isn't that horrible?! Then after a hard struggle I really finally woke up... went to the ward, nothing to do, except wait for a new admission... at 4, the med student came and I told her to do the admission if the patient comes while I sneak off early... haha

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I think I was originally on the right track in my thinking (that is, my thinking before noticing the marriage vs age issue). After some thinking and discussions w/ others, I’ve came back to my original thinking about the issue:

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Girls in med issues: when it comes to love & marriage

In many Western countries, there seems to be more girls doing medicine than guys. Due to cultural differences, I do not know how the westerners view this issue, so I’ll concentrate on conclusions I’ve made from my own and my friends’ perspectives.

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In LA now! California sunshine? Man it's freezing! 15oC here! And it's summer?! 幻想破滅! Ate at a Japanese fast food place ran by the Espaniol! Weird, but it actually tastes great! Will write more later! 周週末回台北兩天~

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Paul outlines the characteristics of our society in the last days in 2 Timothy 3:2-8. There, he reveals that society will be characterized as:


· Selfish. People will be self-centered, driven by greed, and arrogant. 

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A sound faith must be characterized by sound doctrine. In 2 Timothy 2:15, Paul declares that we must all be able to accurately handle the Word. Now, this does not happen automatically in a believer’s life. Instead, a good soldier must be diligent in his or her studies, working hard to understand the Word of God through study, prayer, and meditation.

The phrase that we see translated as “handle accurately” literally means to cut a straight line. That is, when you and I come to the Word of God we are to be absolutely truthful with what we see and what we find. You see, many people handle the Bible backwards. They decide how they want to live, and then pick one or two Bible verses out of context that seem to support their own decisions. My friend, we just cannot do that.

Instead, we must first pick up the Word, examine what it says all the way through—not just a couple of verses in isolation from the rest—and then base our lives upon that message. That is the “straight line” that Paul mentions—the line that goes from the Word, straight into our lives.

 Most people in this world do not want to hear sound doctrine. Instead, they want to hear what makes them feel better about themselves and their actions. Well, the Bible is not about that kind of “ear tickling” (2 Timothy 4:3). Instead, this Book is about instruction, encouragement, and, when necessary, conviction. This is a Book about issues of sin, righteousness, and holiness, and about how our holy God loves us and provides for us.

Second, a good soldier must be separated unto the purposes of God. Now, we have seen in previous lessons that all believers are different. Within the church we find people of different races, ages, professions, and economic status, for example. However, despite this vast mixture of differences, we remain a unified body of believers.

Third, a good soldier must be a servant. An effective servant of the Lord will be focused on two duties in the church. First, he will have a strong desire to protect the unity of the body. Paul makes this clear in 2 Timothy 2:24-25, as he instructs Timothy to be a peacemaker in his congregation. This requires us to be patient, kind, observant, and gracefully diplomatic. We must never soften the Word of God, but we must also be careful not to use it to turn someone away from the Lord. 

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As Christians, we communicate with God through prayers and reading the bible. There are countless numbers of times where I simply know God was speaking to me – therefore I never doubted God’s existence.
Here are some examples:

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I have been doing overtime cover this week. Weekdays from 5pm to 11pm, and a Saturday from 8am to 11pm. I covered the Geriatrics and Neuro ward this week.

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Since I had such a bad 15hour shift tonight, I might as well relive my "nights" nightmare, and write about my 3 weeks of nights!

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Courageous car inferno doc

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Your EQ is 107

50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick!

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This was the first time for me to cover half of the hospital. In the first week, there were three interns, so everything was manageable…. Tonight, it was chaos! I kept having to rush from ward to ward, getting continuous strings of pages from various different wards, many patients became unstable… It was truly an intern’s nightmare! There were several “speaking o the devil” incidences. For example, I was revising about putting in a urinary catheter before the shift and asking the other intern about where to tape the catheter after I finish. The evening registrar overheard us and told us we don’t need to worry and can just get someone to supervise us…. Then there was a urinary catheter for me to do on the wards, for the very first time in the night shifts! Furthermore, the night medical registrar was much stricter than the one I had previously; even with unstable patients, she insists on me assessing the patient fully before talking to her, and only page her immediately if the patient is actually crashing right in front of me… Earlier on, the DCT have emphasized that we should ask for help whenever the we are uncertain about anything, so I was under the impression that I should page pretty early on, and it seemed alright with the last reg I had. Anyway, I’d better get even more independent now. Anyway, after her spill from when I first called her about a patient with pulmonary oedema, I was reluctant to call her early on for the next pulmonary oedema (which I thought seriously need MI excluded), and indeed he seemed to have MI so the registrar sent him to CCU. This was the man who needed a urinary cathether, and since I’ve done a few urinary catheters in theaters before, I didn’t get her to supervise me – I got it in right anyway. And this is the first shift I got called to assist in theatres by the surgical reg! It was a laparotomy for patient with small bowel obstruction, and the reg just kept removing adhesions. It took a long time! The other poor intern had to cover for me while I was assisting in surgery so her night is also extremely hectic! The night was so busy that I couldn’t get things done fast enough and got scowled at by some nurses…. It was hard to prioritize what to do first when there’s so much to do! A night to remember...  I shall come around to writing up this “new RPA series” when I actually get time to do so

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In my personal experience, these two words are worlds apart. To forgive does not necessarily mean the issue is forgotten. To forget does not mean the issue is forgiven.

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This seems to be a common problem among doctors. To survive medicine and avoid a nervous breakdown, one must not get too emotional or involved with their patients. Naturally indeed, I do not get emotionally involved with my patients. It seems like I only get anxious when the patient is unstable and might die if I don’t make the proper decision. Although this has helped me to survive, I have trouble switching between numbness and emotional between patients vs. my family & friends.

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I've never done any accounting or economics as a school student. Under the caring wing of my mother, I never had to worry a thing about finances! Now I've got a lot of catching up to do!

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What a relief now that I'm done with my medicine degree! No more exams for at least a few years. It's been a tough but very worthwhile experience. I have many people to thank: God, family and friends.

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Testing the waters: She wasn’t resistant when he tried to do “stuff” to her
He knew he could easily create opportunities to go “all the way”

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Haha... girls, tell ur man to watch out for these
Although I must say, I really don't get why some girls would wanna seduce men like this - it doesn't exactly attract what I define as true love. It's amazing how far some might go to boost their own ego. I am totally not capable of such art, as I would not feel uncomfortable if someone whom I don't like "in a certain way" looks at me "in a certain way". Imagine trying to actively make people look at me "in a certain way" intentionally! But that's just me.

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  • Nov 30 Thu 2006 12:47
  • Stone


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Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.

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生為外交官的女兒, 世界漫遊! 擁有一隻會跳舞的小鳥陪我作伴! 我的影音網站 (會陸陸續續的更新)
View some of me & my bird's video clips here! (will be updated from time to time)

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Remember the story about building houses? A house built with wisdom vs. a foolishly built? For the younger generation, think back to the story of the three little pigs!

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  • Nov 16 Thu 2006 04:52
  • Mirror

I know a person, who’s just like a mirror.

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Words are powerful. Words sway.
Even untruthful words can sound convincing.

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Have you ever had the experience of getting off on the wrong start with someone? Sometimes the initial impressions last, and you’re stuck with the belief that “I will never get along with that person, so I don’t need to get to know that person well, as there are many others who I will get along better with and more worth investing my time in”. Other times, you and the person get to know each other, the misunderstandings might clear away. Furthermore, people are dynamic, and there is potential for further change or maturity as they grow older.

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I only put up articles and diary extracts that are directly related to my personal life experience and hardships encountered, which I have identified with. I’m not here to please people, but to voice my honest thoughts. So for those that think my opinions are too strong, well, I don’t mean to offend anyone personally. I do not claim to do great stuff for mankind, and I do not even claim myself to be a good Christian. Frankly speaking, I do not admire Christians that preaches but never does what they say or is never tries to apply the principles into their everyday lives. But I’ve seen many people like that around. I myself am not capable of incorporating Christian principles & values 24hrs/day, 7 days/week, but I do not pretend that I do, whereas some others pretend they do when they don’t. Worse still, some actually fail to see that themselves because their vision is occluded by many things, such as proudness, self-centeredness/ self-absorption, self-deception, denial, fear etc. But this is the real world, and as Christians, we are supposed to love everyone regardless, which I found extremely hard to do. With sin ever present in the world, Christians are probably all hypocrites to varying extents whether we like it or not, I’m afraid, as we can never be perfect, and yet we are obliged to spread God’s word around. One who claims he/she is able to do everything he/she preaches 24/7 have serious deficits in their knowledge of the fundamentals of Christianity. We can only strive to do our best, and that will never be perfect. And do not think that you can just sit there and pray & pray and get what you want… you need to work hard for it yourself at the same time.

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The competitive world: Ability & Potential (my personal opinions again)

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  • Oct 07 Sat 2006 11:09
  • 間諜

國安局 has announced that there are spies from China plotting to mix in with the 紅衫軍on the national day celebration (which they hold at 總統府)… they could potentially make Tw look real bad if they tried to murder one of the外賓from a 邦交國… although a decision has not made yet, there is a possibility that the national celebration might be cancelled at the總統府

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When people back chat, you really don't know whether the intention is benign or malignant, or whether there's any intention at all other than to have something to entertain their friends about.

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To me, what is genuine and what is not really depends on the mindset. Genuineness in what you say and what you do is one of the most important principles in my life. I feel all uneasy if I say or do something ingenuine.

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My mood's stablizing now, thanks to God and whoever that has been praying for me! Thanks to some very supportive friends. Yeah, on reflection, it wasn't very nice to put up those stories before so I've taken them down, but I was so angry/sad about the event(almost to the point of hatred). Have been occupying myself with Toastmasters speechcraft course, which hopefully will improve my communication and presentation skills! So much to study! Exams coming up soon>< scared

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You Are 18% Evil
You are good. So good, that you make evil people squirm. Just remember, you may need to turn to the dark side to get what you want!

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In the previous articles, I have put up idealistic articles of wisdom. Of course, you'd be one of the happiest person in the world if you meet the right person. However this cannot be forced upon and many end up not being able to find somone so idealistic. At times, I find that I don't trust people easily. This especially true when it comes to guys. With those that I got to know better, none of them seem to be truely honest people. Then again, maybe that's how the world works. I don't know if I will ever end up getting married. I really want a family and my own kids - I think I'd be more family orientated than career orientated. Therefore, if I don't meet someone right for me, I will end up either:
1. never marrying

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mr/ms right?
when it comes to making the decision about choosing a life partner, no one wants to make a mistake. yet, with a divorce rate of close to 50 percent, it appears that many are making serious mistakes in their approach to finding mr/ms right!

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Breast Endocrine Surgery (2/20/06-3/31/06)

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Taipei Veterans General Hospital

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I did a four-week elective in liver diseases at Mount Sinai Medical Center. This hospital is located in the upper east side of Manhattan. My main goal was to catch a glimpse of how things were like in US hospitals and compare this with Australia. I also wanted to see some high tech stuff. The liver diseases department at Mount Sinai deals mostly with liver transplant patients. Here is the hospital’s description about its liver transplant center:

Mount Sinai is one of the nation's leading adult liver transplant centers, performing more than 130 liver transplants yearly with outstanding success rates. The program began in 1988 when RMTI founder Dr. Charles Miller performed the first liver transplant in New York State. Since its fledgling days, the program has grown to become the third largest in the world.

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  • Nov 27 Sun 2005 13:14
  • Alaska

The plane window was like a great picture. In the middle of the frame was an orange line, softly blending into the blueness above and below.

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I decided to do a 4-week internal medicine term and a 2-week radiology term at the National Taiwan University Hospital, since this is one of the most prestigious universities in Taiwan and many Taiwanese students from UNSW who went to NTUH for their electives gave positive feedbacks.


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Dreamix, a hair salon on Sussex Street (Chinatown area), is having a “hair model night” each week, where one can volunteer to be a hair model and get their hair cut/dyed/permed for free! You can’t really choose your hairstyle – the hairdressing teacher is one who decides on what’s suitable for your face. Anyway, the hairdressing teacher decided to give me a cut and a perm – so that’s what I got, while the other hair model got a cut and a dye.

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  • Jun 09 Thu 2005 17:43
  • Dying

A grim topic, isn’t it? Today we learnt about palliative care. The lecturer showed us a video of man in his 60s called Herbie. This gentleman kindly allowed his dying process to be filmed so we know how the dying process is like in real life.

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Finally, our precious one-week-holiday has come. The city area is crowded with people due to the midyear stocktake sale! My holidays have been very relaxing: quite a bit of shopping and yummy food, comic-reading and exercising!

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I've finished half of my 5th year in med now~~ had a very busy year so far
I'm super stressed out!! This year is the specialties year where we do 4

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雖然我的家沒有人是基督徒, 我很小的時候就已經接觸教會. 我們家對面有一座教會, 我讀的幼稚園也是一個基督教的幼稚園. 我在八歲的時候去美國住了三年, 十歲時在一位阿姨的帶領下還做了一個決志禱告. 當時是完完全全的相信耶穌的故事, 每個禮拜都可以撘便車去教會, 在主日學也很喜歡聽聖經裡的故事.

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